Team Vaccine continues to help eligible residents book COVID-19 vaccine shots

METUCHEN – Nearly 40% of the borough’s adult population has already received at least one vaccine shot, said Mayor Jonathan Busch in a social media post on March 30.

“This number will continue to skyrocket in the weeks ahead, especially in view of the incredible work being performed by #TeamVaccine, which has booked more than 500 first shots on behalf of residents in just two weeks,” he said.

However, the number of new COVID-19 cases remind the public “we are all in a serious race against this virus,” Busch said.

As of March 30, the borough has 1,001 confirmed COVID-19 cases. The borough has lost 11 residents to COVID-19, according to Middlesex County.

In the next few weeks, Busch said they expect the state will significantly expand vaccine eligibility.

“It is incumbent on all of us to do everything we can to protect ourselves and each other,” he said.

For residents who are eligible for the vaccine and would like assistance from TEAM VACCINE, complete the form at To participate in the program, residents must be currently vaccine eligible and registered with the state’s Vaccine Registry at

For more information, visit: and/or e-mail TEAM VACCINE at [email protected].