Resident questions Smith’s vote on rescue plan

I can’t imagine that Congressman Chris Smith actually believed he represents constituents in New Jersey’s Fourth Congressional District when he voted against the American Rescue Plan.

This is the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill that will be helping so many thousands of people in this Congressional District get back on our feet. It will help schools, it will save jobs, restore healthcare and help our towns avoid cutting services because of shortfalls in other revenue.

While the Congressman’s negative vote on this bill may be the biggest and most dramatic failure to represent people in the district, it is by far not the only one that did not reflect the best interests of the citizens of the district.

I urge my fellow Fourth Congressional District voters to pay close attention to the Congressman’s voting pattern and when you have another chance to cast your vote for someone to be your voice and your vote in Congress, ask yourself if you really want Congressman Smith to be that person.

In the meantime, if you also think Chris Smith voted the wrong way on the American Rescue Plan, let him know.

Nancy Byron
Tinton Falls