Borough officials ‘confident’ about Metuchen pool season, but membership prices expected to increase

METUCHEN – After canceling the pool season last year because of the novel coronavirus pandemic, borough officials are “confident” there will be a Metuchen municipal pool season this year.

The Borough Council approved resolutions for authorization of the concession for the Metuchen Pool Snack Bar to FBJ Investments doing business as Fresco by Jimmy at 456 Main Street and pool maintenance services to Aquatic Service Inc., Spotswood, in the amount not to exceed $43,762.95 at a meeting on March 22.

The contract price for Aquatic Service Inc., which was the only bid the borough received, for work on specification of de-winterization and winterization of pools, came in at $35,241.20 and the emergency service with the contract is a maximum of $8,521.75.

Councilman Daniel Hirsch, liaison to the Metuchen Pool Commission, said they are working to finalize member pricing – which most likely will increase – for the pool with Borough Administrator Melissa Perilstein and Borough Chief Financial Officer Becky Cuthbert. The council will be asked to approve the pricing in the next couple of meetings.

Hirsh said because of the pandemic, officials are expecting a reduction in membership and noted they are taking extra precautions by hiring extra people to take temperatures and make sure people are wearing their masks where appropriate.

Mayor Jonathan Busch said the pool is a great service; however, it has to be self-sufficient.

“It’s not something paid for by the borough,” he said. “Obviously no one wants to raise rates. Raising rates on a community activity is always frowned upon whether it be a child’s activity, an adult league or anything.”

In May 2020, the Borough Pool Commission decided to cancel the 2020 summer pool season, which includes the Metuchen Municipal Pool (MMP) Swim and Dive team due to precautions of COVID-19.

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