Thanks to Malinowski for co-sponsoring ‘carbon cashback’ bill

Many people have recently received stimulus checks from the government for COVID-19 relief. Those checks were popular. How’d you like to receive monthly payments from the government and help climate change at the same time? Sound too good to be true?

I want to thank my Congressman, Tom Malinowski (NJ-7) for recently co-sponsoring a bill in Congress called the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA). This bill would put a steadily increasing price on carbon pollution; those monies would be returned to American families in the form of a monthly dividend check – a “carbon cashback” so to speak.

The EICDA would make clean energy affordable, save lives by reducing pollution, get the U.S. to net zero emissions by 2050, create millions of jobs, and put money in our pockets.

This legislation was supported by Republican Sen. Kip Bateman and Democratic Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker when it was introduced in the last Congress.

So, if you care about addressing climate change, reducing pollution or just would like to receive a check every month, learn more about the Energy Innovation Act at, and thank Congressman Malinowski for being a champion of this market-based solution to address climate change.

Nadine Sapirman
