Spotswood council authorizes change order to remove material from DeVoe Lake

SPOTSWOOD–In one of the latest moves to reconstruct its notable lake, Spotswood’s Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing a change order for the DeVoe Lake Dredging Project phase one.

On Oct. 8, 2020, in accordance with the resolution passed by the borough and Notice of Award, CME Associates advised SumCO Eco-Contracting of the borough’s award for the contract in the amount of $1.85 million for the base bid of the project, according to the council.

In the engineer’s report dated April 1, CME Associates Engineer Bruch Koch said the contractor is working on the dredging and stockpiling of materiel. CME Associates has been coordinating with the borough and the contractor to review additional dredging work.

Koch said CME has submitted a change order for an additional 5,000 cubic yards of material to be removed from the lake, along with additional work. CME will submit options for the borough to review and provide direction on the location and depth of the additional work.

Before the resolution was approved, Counilman Larry Kraemer asked if the dredging of more materials will cost the borough more money.

“The decision to dredge more material is the result of money that is left over in the grant. There was an item in the contract that would allow additional material to be removed and this would be a instance of ‘use it or lose it’ with regards to that funding that’s coming from the state,” said Ernest Feist, Center State Engineering managing partner.

The council approved the resolution authorizing the change order on April 5 during the council meeting via video conference.

Following that award, SumCo advised CME Associates that should the borough choose to award the alternate bid item at a later date, SumCo would honor the bid price for the additional work, according to the council.

The governing body has received correspondence dated April 1 from consulting engineers CME recommending Change Order No. 1 for the project known as DeVoe Lake Dredging-Phase One, according to the council.

Upon review of the project and the time limitations with the various permits and
disposal fees, the borough has requested the additional work at DeVoe Lake per the alternate bid item for 5,000 cubic yards of additional dredging be awarded as a Change Order with conditions agreed to by the borough and SumCo, listed in CME correspondence dated April 1, according to the council.

Based on the contractor’s updated schedule the anticipated trucking dates extend to April 30 with site restoration to be completed by May 12, and the contractor has been advised they will be responsible for any additional fees incurred for the permit extension, if granted, and will speed up completion of the project based on the current permit deadlines and their updated schedule, according to the council.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].