Opinion: 2021 Reflections on Earth Day

”People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.” – David Attenborough, steward of the Earth

What a perfect time of year this is to celebrate the beauty and the importance of our life-sustaining Earth.

Newly greened trees, the songs of birds, colorful flowers that make us smile, and the rejuvenation of farm fields – all of these miracles create new hope.

This Earth Day, I find myself reflecting on the legacy of people who have cared for our Earth. For it’s in the little things we do every day, the causes we support, and the choices we make in how we live our lives, that we become integral to the Earth’s stewardship.

David Attenborough, Earth steward, declares, “People must feel that the natural world is important and valuable and beautiful and wonderful and an amazement and a pleasure.” 

Here in Central New Jersey, D&R Greenway remembers hometown heroes from our preservation family whom we have lost this year and whose impacts are longstanding:

People like Bill Swain who, as an early trustee, shepherded our first land preservation transactions;

Landowner Betty Wold Johnson, who preserved her land to ensure forever-green open spaces in our community;

D&R Greenway supporter Jody Kendall, who gave quietly to create special places including our labyrinth and Healing Trail;

Princeton Mayor and D&R Greenway Board Chair Phyllis Marchand, who led us all with her legendary energy and flair.

Every name has a story behind it, each inspiring us to do our part.

Without Earth and the people who care for it, where would we be? Yes, we’ve landed on the Moon and Mars. But Earth is our home, sustaining life as we know it. Let’s use this Earth Day to recommit to its protection – every day.

Tell me – what will you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Linda J. Mead
President and CEO

D&R Greenway Land Trust
