Shutzer, Jordan will seek re-election in Freehold Borough

FREEHOLD – Two Democrats in Freehold Borough are seeking re-election to a pair of three-year terms on the Borough Council.

According to the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office, incumbent Democrats Annette Jordan and Sharon Shutzer have filed nominating petitions to retain their seats on the governing body. The new terms will run from Jan. 1, 2022, through Dec. 31, 2024.

Jordan has been a member of the Borough Council since 2019. Prior to her retirement, she worked with Gannett Corp. in management.

“As I finish my first term serving the residents of the borough, I am proud of our accomplishments.

“(These accomplishments have been) promoting collaborative partnerships for redevelopment, continued citizen engagement through participatory budgeting and our vaccination program rollout to borough residents.

“If given the opportunity to serve a second term, I will work to move the borough forward through smart redevelopment and economic growth, while preserving the historic charm of our community,” Jordan said.

Shutzer has been a member of the Borough Council since 1992 and is the longest-serving member of the governing body. She is a retired school teacher.

“I am seeking re-election to the Borough Council because I love the borough and its residents and I love the job.

“During my years of service, I have worked hard to fulfill the only promise I have ever made: to always do what I think is in the best interests of our residents.

“I am passionate about serving this diverse community and I am determined to do anything I can to improve and protect the quality of life for our residents.

“I am not afraid to vote my conscience. I am accessible, responsible and accountable. Perhaps most important of all, I owe allegiance to no one except my constituency. My record speaks for itself,” Shutzer said.

Democrats hold all six seats on the Borough Council and the mayor’s office.

No Republican filed a nominating petition to run for a seat on Freehold Borough’s governing body.

An individual who wants to run for Borough Council as an independent candidate has until June 8 to file a nominating petition and secure a place on the November general election ballot.

During the June 8 primary, a candidate may be nominated by write-in votes to run with a political party affiliation (Republican or Democrat) in the November general election.