Democratic incumbent, Republican candidate will vie for council seat in East Brunswick in November

EAST BRUNSWICK–Two East Brunswick candidates will try to obtain the one open seat on the Township Council in November.

Democratic incumbent Dinesh Behal will face off against Republican candidate David Herrera for the open seat on the council, which holds a three-year term.

The two candidates will run unopposed in the Primary Election on June 8.

Behal, 45, has been a resident of East Brunswick for six years and is an entrepreneur focused in insurance practice and a real estate investor.

A vacancy existed on the council as a result of the resignation of former Councilman  Sterley Stanley, who was sworn in as assemblyman on Jan. 26. On Feb. 22, the council approved the resolution appointing Behal as the governing body’s newest member.

“I believe that I was chosen unanimously by the council members of the Township of East Brunswick to serve as the successor to Assemblyman Sterley Stanley because of my prior experience, commitment and hard work for the East Brunswick community,” Behal said. “Stanley set a high standard of excellence in his commitment to serving and improving our community. Before accepting the nomination to serve as a councilman, I understood that I would have to run this year as a councilman to retain my seat. I am up to that challenge.”

Behal said he believes that having worked with Mayor Brad Cohen and the other council members in the past, he has earned their respect and trust.

“I understand that many residents do not know who I am and I look forward to meeting them and serving their interest as their councilman throughout this campaign. I am committed to representing all of the residents of the Township of East Brunswick to the best of my ability,” Behal said. “Over the past few years, while serving as a citizen volunteer on the Library Board and Zoning Board, I have fought for what I believe to be in the best interests of every East Brunswick resident.”

Many times, Behal said that has meant collaborating with his council colleagues, the administration and Cohen.

He said he is confident that the council will continue to work together for the betterment of its community.

“I believe the Township of East Brunswick must continue to invest in its infrastructures such as roads and intersections,” Behal said. “We must do more to reduce costs through shared services and shared resources with our school district and other towns to save money. We must preserve and maintain our open space, our parks and our recreation areas.”

Behal is a member of the East Brunswick Community Action Committee, East Brunswick Lions Club, Ved Mandir Indian Temple and Indian Business Association.

Herrera, 30, has been a resident of East Brunswick for 20 years and is a “proud” East Brunswick High School graduate.

“I decided to run for council because I truly believe my purpose is to help people. For far too long the people of our town have asked for help for it to only be swept under the rug, while our roads continued to get worse, taxes have gotten higher, schools became overcrowded and our concerns go unheard,” Herrera said. “The current council has been unwisely spending our tax dollars on their own interests and projects, and not in favor of reliving the financial burden on our residents.

“I’m running to be an independent voice on the council, promote efficiency within East Brunswick and for the residents who have not have had their issues addressed by this current administration,” Herrera said.

Herrera is the owner and operator of El Toro Loco restaurant in South Plainfield.

“While I believe there are many valuable issues to address, my biggest concerns have to be the redevelopment, and addressing affordability to our current residents and attracting future homeowners to our community,” Herrera said.

Herrera is a member of the East Brunswick Arts Commission, the East Brunswick Republican Club and County Committee and East Brunswick Chamber of Commerce.
Currently, Herrera said he works with local rehabilitation facilities to bring a message of recovery to people in need, such as hospitals and institutions.
Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].