Resident plants vegetables, herbs and flowers in Spring Hills Princeton community garden

Senior resident Judith William celebrated her hard work renovating the community garden and farm-to-table vegetable and herb garden during the Garden Lounge Opening Party on May 14 at Spring Hills Princeton Assisted Living.

William, 77 years old, a professional gardener and resident of Spring Hills Princeton, helped pick out the flowers, herbs and vegetables that were planted and spent the week leading up to the party working with the Spring Hills team to plant everything.

The grand opening event featured garden foods including a Caprese salad along with refreshing drinks.

Gardening Tips, Quotes and Background from Judith William:

A breast cancer survivor, William believes that, “Gardening is one of the most therapeutic hobbies one can development. It changes your life.”

When asked for tips for beginning gardeners, William offered:

  1. Prepare your soil properly. Be sure to read the label of the plants you buy to understand their specific needs.
  2. Use “Judy Juice”: one spoon of miracle grow and a gallon of water to make plans grow happy and big.
  3. Vegetables need a lot of water and six to eight hours of sun a day to grow big strong.

According to William, “Gardening is in my blood and soul”.

Growing up in Abington, Pennsylvania, her mother was president of Bryn Athyn Garden Club. She eventually moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where the Ortho fertilizing company sent her to school for gardening.

For 12 years she built professional gardens.

An animal lover, she recently adopted a cat named Gabby who lives with her at Spring Hills Princeton.


Spring Hills Princeton Assisted Living community is located at 1000 Windrow Dr., Princeton. For more information, call 609-514-9111 or visit