Rally at Hinds Plaza will call for end to bombing of Gaza

As part of a coalition for justice, Jewish Voices for Peace, American Muslims for Palestine-NJ, Central Jersey Democratic Socialists of America, and Princeton Committee on Palestine are demanding that the Israeli government cease its bombardment of Gaza, end its evictions of Palestinians from East Jerusalem, return land that was stolen from Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, and allow the return of Palestinian refugees that were expelled from their homes during the Nakba between 1947 and 1949.

The co-sponsoring organizations, their allies and all those committed to achieving justice for the oppressed will be holding a rally to raise their voices in support of the Palestinians at 5 p.m. May 21 at Hinds Plaza in Princeton.

The rally will include speakers who will shine a light on some of the issues Palestinians are facing, with the goal of raising awareness, and encouraging members of the Princeton, New Jersey and broader U.S. communities to pressure their local representatives and legislators, to demand that they stand up for justice and oppose systemic racism, colonialism and crimes against humanity.