Princeton teen awarded scholarship to attend international high school

Skylar Schiltz-Rouse has received a scholarship to continue her high school education at Li Po Chun United World College in Mahindra, India.

The daughter of Carolyn Rouse from Princeton, Skylar recently completed her sophomore year at Princeton High School.

Skylar went to YingHua, a Chinese immersion school in Kingston, and will complete her International Baccalaureate education in India with students from places as diverse as Afghanistan, Tanzania and Venezuela, according to information provided by UWC USA.

Skylar was among 60 U.S. students selected for the merit-based Davis Scholarships.

UWC is an international high school for 16- to 19-year-olds with 18 campuses worldwide, whose mission is to unite cultures through education, according to the statement. UWC students represent up to 90 countries at some campuses; many come from conflict regions.

UWC offers the international baccalaureate, a two-year pre-university program that is the most widely recognized secondary school diploma in the world.

Applicants for Davis Scholarships must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and be either 16 or 17 years old on Sept. 1 of the year they intend to enroll. Additional non-scholarship students may also be selected. These students will be offered partial or no financial support. Dec. 1 is the application deadline.

To learn more about UWC-USA, visit