Agraj Seva Kendra celebrates Asian/Pacific heritage while honoring contributions to STEM

Agraj Seva Kendra is a nonprofit that is driven to promote Asian Pacific culture, diversity, and youth in service. Since its inception in 2006, the organization has given back to the community through STEM (science, technology, education, math) educational experiences and cultural activities for youth.

Govinda Rajan, founder and CEO of Agraj Seva Kendra, has led the organization in empowering youth and positively impacting communities throughout New Jersey.

On June 19, Agraj Seva Kendra conducted Asian/Pacific Heritage Day at Thompson Park in Monroe to felicitate the various STEM-related achievements of students and mentors during the pandemic.

The event was made possible by a grant from Siemens Corporation’s Asian Cultural Employee Resource Group. About 200 people attended the event.

Dr. Sindhu Suresh, senior program manager from Siemens Asian Engineering Chapter; along with Annu Raju-Hariharan, director, ETS; and Dr. Latha Nair, research educationalist with Middlesex County Academy for Science, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies in Edison participated; advisory committee members of Agraj Seva Kendra were the program executives.

The celebration kicked off with honoring the mentors of Agraj Youth Wing for their outstanding work in inspiring, engaging, educating and empowering youth in various highly successful initiatives during the pandemic. These included organizing a global virtual hack-athon, 3D-printing face shields for frontline workers, conducting book drives for economically disadvantaged children, and creating a research program that engaged youth in STEM.

Five student volunteers were recognized at this event with Gold Presidential Voluntary Service Awards, one of the highest awards in the nation for youth civic participation. These awards were bestowed to the students for their commitment and contributions

through Agraj Seva Kendra various STEM initiatives in support of the community. The support, time and dedication from all the mentors and volunteers enabled AGRAJ Youth Wing to positively impact many students and first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After the felicitations, lunch was served to the attendees. This was followed by a lineup of entertaining cultural performances. Dressed in traditional apparel, people of all ages showcased the Asian Pacific Culture through light music, patriotic anthems and

fusion dances. Celebrating the culture provided everyone an opportunity to connect with their roots and a like-minded community.

AGRAJ Youth Wing provides STEM educational opportunities and interactive learning experiences along with the added element of community activities for students. AGRAJ Youth Wing’s mission is to empower the community, especially the underserved student population through STEM education. This youth wing provides a community space for all students to enhance and share their STEM knowledge while socializing with

likeminded peers.

For more information about events by Agraj Seva Kendra, visit

  • This information was provided by Govinda Rajan.