Junior coaches raise money for Mercer Bulldogs

In a year of COVID-19 lockdown, when Mercer Special Hockey (aka Mercer Bulldogs), a non-profit for kids with special needs who play hockey, had no ice time or season at all, two junior coach volunteers, Andreas Oskiper and Collin Penders, decided to give the kids some fun by organizing a virtual bingo night.

In the process, they raised $3,200.

For their contributions over the last two years, the president of Mercer Special Hockey, Jackie Zohn, recognized them with the titles of “Ambassador of Mercer Special Hockey” and “Acting Officer of Community Outreach”.

This is the second year the boys organized a fundraiser for the Mercer Bulldogs. Last year they organized the first ever skate-a-thon and raised a little over $3,700.

For more information, visit

  • This information was provided by Katerina Varsou.