Spotswood council seeks to finalize phase one of DeVoe Lake project

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing the change order number three payment of $554,895 for the DeVoe Lake Dredging Project, phase one.

“The change order that was voted on favorably by the borough council at the June 14 meeting was an overall increase to the cost. The change order included an additional dredge area to address vegetative growth beyond the original limits of this phase. The project is still expected to fall within the amount provided for by the grant,” Business Administrator Ryan Michelson said.

CME Associates Engineering recommended pay estimate number three for work performed by SumCo Eco-Contracting, LLC, for a period from April 10 to May 6 in the amount of $554,895.

The borough entered into a contract with SumCo Eco-Contracting on Oct. 5, 2020. Payment is subject to SumCo Eco-Contracting, LLC providing the required certified payroll records and project manning reports for the pay period.

The council approved the resolution authoring the number three change order payment for the DeVoe Lake Dredging Project phase one on June 14 during the council meeting via video conference and in-person at the municipal building.

“Phase one is expected to be completed mid-July. Plans for additional beautification projects and recreational facilities are currently being explored by the borough and those are intended to begin in the fall,” Michelson said.

With the project still ongoing, Michelson said the contractor has completed their dredging operation and is working on site restoration and addressing additional items involving the surrounding site and properties that require immediate attention.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].