Drennan will be lone candidate on Allentown ballot in November

ALLENTOWN – Two three-year terms on the Allentown Borough Council will available in the Nov. 2 general election, but only one resident is seeking office at this time.

Councilman Michael Drennan, who is completing his first three-year term on the governing body, filed a nominating petition to run for a second term (2022-24) as an independent candidate.

The current terms of Drennan and Councilmen Robert Strovinsky will end on Dec. 31. Strovinsky previously told the Examiner he would not seek re-election.

No residents filed to run for a political party’s nomination in the June 8 Republican or Democratic primary election. In the Republican primary, Strovinsky received five write-in votes.

On June 24, Monmouth County election officials told the Examiner that Stovinsky had received enough write-in votes to qualify to be placed on the November ballot.

Later that day, Strovinsky confirmed to the Examiner that he will conclude his service on the council in December. He said he informed Monmouth County election officials he would not accept the write-in nomination.

With only Drennan appearing on the November ballot, the second available term on the council could be won by an individual who receives write-in votes on Election Day.

Strovinsky and Drennan were most recently elected in November 2018. All four residents in that race ran as independent candidates.

Strovinsky led the field of four candidates with 452 votes to win re-election. Drennan won his first term on the council by receiving 440 votes.

Two first-time candidates, Linda Cotte and Thomas J. Monahan Sr., received 435 and 424 votes, respectively.

Drennan and Strovinsky are joined on the Borough Council in 2021 by John A. Elder III, Daniel Payson, Martha Johnson and Erica Torsiello.