Senior is first-ever finalist from Hillsborough High in U.S. Presidential Scholars Program

Hillsborough High School senior Youssef Abdelhalim was nominated, selected as a
semi-finalist and ultimately chosen as a finalist for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.

There were 160 finalist candidates selected from 600 students in the final round and Youssef was one of four from New Jersey and the first-ever from Hillsborough High School, according to a proclamation presented by the Hillsborough Township Committee on June 22.

Youssef is a member of the National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society and French Honor Society.

He will be attending Northwestern University double majoring in mechanical engineering and astrophysics.

Youssef is a QuestBridge National College Match finalist, president and founder of Help All, and was selected to represent New Jersey in the Down Under Sports Track and Field Team, according to the proclamation.

He volunteers at the Resala Charity Organization, Yemen Crisis Virtual House Party, Silver Hawk Home Health Care Center, Jason’s Run, TAP tutoring, and the HumansWho STEM Club Jersey City Chapter.