Manalapan resident concerned about trash pickup

Let’s Talk Trash Manalapan is an alliance of Manalapan residents who are disturbed by the
unfortunate decision made by our Township Committee limiting garbage pickup to once a
week and recycling pickup to once every two weeks.

Our goal is to present a petition to the Township Committee with numerous signatures urging the committee members to revisit the contract they signed with Suburban Disposal and to try to resolve some of the issues that have been created due to the changes made to our trash collection.

Right now garbage is piling up in our homes and on our streets, creating foul odors and
attracting vermin.

With temperatures reaching into the 90’s (recently), these problems have only been exacerbated and now present a health hazard.

Despite the township removing many of the signs we have put up around town, we still
have collected close to 1,000 signatures in a very short period of time.

We need your signatures to encourage the Township Committee members to correct their miscalculation and to do the right thing for the residents of Manalapan.

Please stand with us at and sign our petition.

Ben Silberman