Tinton Falls council appropriates funds for road improvements

TINTON FALLS – The Borough Council is appropriating $2.6 million to pay for road improvements in Tinton Falls this year.

During a meeting on July 13, council members adopted a bond ordinance that appropriates $2.6 million for the borough’s 2021-22 road improvement program. The ordinance authorizes the issuance of $2.2 million in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the costs.

According to the ordinance, $265,000 in grant funding is expected to be received from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) to help cover the costs of the work. The remaining costs will be covered by a down payment of $135,000.

The 2021-22 road improvement program will include improvements to Glenwood Drive,
Riverview Drive, Fairfield Drive, William Street, Terry Lane, Orchard Street, Wellington Drive, Gilbert Street, Wardell Road, Lyndell Lane and Garden Place, according to the ordinance.

Sidewalk improvements will be completed along Shrewsbury Avenue using the DOT grant,  and along Fox Chase Drive.

In other business, council members certified a review of the borough’s 2020 audit. Under state law, the governing body of every municipality must conduct an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions.

According to municipal officials, the audit contains no recommendations and because no recommendations were made, officials were not required to prepare a corrective action plan relating to the borough’s finances.

Finally, council members approved an agreement with Tinton Falls Senior Housing, LP, for the purchase and installation of emergency generators at the Tinton Falls Senior Development, Shafto Road.

According to a resolution, the Tinton Falls Senior Development is part of the borough’s affordable housing settlement agreement with Fair Share Housing Center, which advocates for the construction of affordable housing throughout New Jersey.

The development on Shafto Road provides 120 age-restricted units for low-income and moderate-income households.

Affordable housing is defined as housing that is sold or rented at below market rates to individuals and families whose income meets certain guidelines. Every New Jersey municipality is required to provide opportunities for the development of affordable housing.

The Tinton Falls Senior Development is operated and managed by Tinton Falls Senior Housing. The borough owns the property on which the housing is located, according to the resolution.

Citing the need for the building to have emergency generators to ensure that residents have power in the event of an outage, the borough will purchase emergency generators and design their installation. Tinton Falls Senior Housing will install, maintain and replace the emergency generators in accordance with the borough’s plans.