Keyport Borough Council adopts capital improvements ordinance

KEYPORT – Municipal officials in Keyport are appropriating $1 million to pay for water and sewer improvements in the borough.

On July 20, members of the Borough Council adopted a bond ordinance that will appropriate $1 million and authorize the issuance of $950,000 in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost of the planned improvements. A down payment of $50,000 will cover the remaining costs, according to the ordinance.

According to the ordinance, $750,000 will fund water distribution system and sewer collection system improvements throughout Keyport. The remaining $250,000 will fund the purchase of water and sewer equipment, including a sewer jet and a backhoe.

In other business, council members adopted a bond ordinance that will provide an appropriation for the purchase of a fire engine with related equipment and apparatus, to be used by the Keyport Fire Department.

The appropriation totals $700,000 and the ordinance will authorize the issuance of $665,000 in bonds or notes to help finance the purchase. The remaining costs will be covered by a down payment of $35,000.

Council members also authorized acceptance of a grant from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Body-Worn Camera Grant program. The grant totals $32,608 and will be issued from 2021 to 2025, according to the resolution.

According to the resolution, the grant will be used for the purchase of body-worn cameras, ancillary equipment and other services.

The governing body’s action follows a state mandate signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in November 2020 that requires all police officers in New Jersey to wear a body camera. Police departments were required to comply with the mandate by June.

In May, council members approved the purchase of body-worn cameras and related equipment for the officers of the Keyport Police Department.

Following the grant’s acceptance, the council passed a resolution requesting approval from the director of the Division of Local Government Services to approve the insertion of the $32,608 into the 2021 municipal budget.

Additionally, the council authorized a shared services agreement between the borough and the Keyport Public Schools for the use of a school resource officer/Class III special law enforcement officers in the school district’s facilities.

Under the terms of the agreement, the borough will provide the officers to help provide security in the school district. The agreement will be effective during the 2021-22 school year and may be renewed afterward.

Finally, council members authorized the appointment of Elijah Smith as a Class II special law enforcement officer. Smith will receive an hourly rate of $13.50, according to a resolution.

According to the resolution, a Class II special law enforcement officer is authorized to exercise the full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer under the supervision of the police chief.