Metuchen Library partners businesses with cardholders

METUCHEN – The Metuchen Public Library is looking for business partners to help promote Library Card Sign-up Month this September.
“With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, many local community organizations faced unforeseen challenges. Help us celebrate the strength of the Metuchen community as we promote the library’s return to services,” Library Director Hsi Hsi Chung said in a prepared statement.
When Metuchen Library cardholders show their library cards at participating businesses during September, they will receive a small discount or incentive of the business’s choosing.
“It is our hope to boost local economic growth and community engagement while encouraging residents to visit the library for a variety of resources, services and programs, including mobile hotspots, museum passes and digital streaming services at the touch of a fingertip,” Chung said in the statement.
These efforts increase library usage while encouraging people to support local businesses and neighborhood establishments.
To participate in the September is Library Card Sign-up Month campaign, RSVP through the Google form at https://tinyurl.com/LibraryCardMonth2021 or email Alyssa at [email protected] by Aug. 27.
“We will publicize your sponsorship and the incentive offered to residents showing their Metuchen Public Library cards at the time of purchase,” Chung said in the statement.