Opinion: Jammin for Jaclyn Benefit had greatest year ever

We would like to thank all who have supported this year’s Jammin for Jaclyn Benefit Concert.

Although we weren’t able to have a live in-person event this year again, we had an extremely successful livestream event and were able to raise $40,530 for our beneficiary, Brian Da Silva. This is the most we’ve raised at an event to date.

Please stay tuned for next year’s event date in April 2022.

Remember that we accept donations year-round and we are always looking for new sponsors.

See our website at JamminforJaclyn.org or email us at [email protected] for all information. You may also text “Jammin” to 202-858-1233 to donate online. 

Thank you again to all of our supporters, past, present, and future. Stay healthy and safe. 

The Jammin for Jaclyn committee
