Snell resigns from seat on Township Committee in Middletown

MIDDLETOWN – Republican Township Committeewoman Patricia A. Snell has resigned from her seat on the Township Committee with two years and four months remaining in the three-year term to which she was elected in November 2020.

Snell resigned from the governing body on Aug. 19. In her letter of resignation, she informed Mayor Tony Perry and her fellow members of the governing body that her husband has been offered a position in Georgia and said her family will be relocating.

In a statement, Snell said, “Many emotions spinning right now, but the overwhelming feeling is one of gratitude for the life Middletown has given me for almost 40 years in raising my family.

“Thank you to our brave police department for keeping our community safe and and always being a friend to our young people.

“To our amazing fire department for their selfless dedication and to our first aid for coming to the aid of all our residents no matter the emergency.

“To my friends on Township Committee and in the mayor’s office, I was privileged to serve the residents of Middletown with you, knowing we made decisions in the best interest of all families in town.

“I will leave hoping my stay may have made a small difference in bettering what was an already beautiful place to live.

“I couldn’t have asked for anything more than having the opportunity to make almost 70,000 friends. I will be living in Georgia, but Middletown will always be my home. I am blessed,” Snell said.

Snell was appointed to an open seat on the Township Committee in 2018. In November 2018, she was elected to complete a two-year unexpired term (2019 and 2020).

In November 2020, Snell was elected to a three-year term to run from Jan. 1, 2021 through Dec. 31, 2023.

According to her biography on the township website, prior to being appointed to the Township Committee in 2018, Snell served as a member of the Planning Board and the Board of Trustees for the Middletown Township Public Library.

She volunteered on behalf of many causes, including Middletown Helps Its Own, and she organized fundraisers to help address the needs of Middletown families resulting from the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Republicans hold a 5-0 majority on the Township Committee.

Township Clerk Heidi R. Brunt has informed Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon of the vacancy on the Township Committee and is awaiting guidance on how to fill the position in the upcoming general election.