News Transcript News Briefs, Sept. 1

The Township Committee in Freehold Township has authorized an increase in a contract for improvements to the Freehold Township Police Department’s shooting range.

During a recent meeting, committee members authorized a contract that was awarded to Meggitt Training Systems in January to be increased by $8,077. The revised contract totals $338,737. Officials said the increase was authorized because of the need for barricades for state-mandated annual qualifications.

And, committee members awarded a contract to Hunter Jersey Peterbilt for dump truck parts. The contract is in an amount not to exceed $35,000.

In other business, officials extended a contract with Lanigan Associates for the furnishing and delivery of police uniforms for an additional year. The contract was initially awarded in 2020. The contract extension is in the estimated amount of $66,245.

And, committee members extended a contract with Montana Construction Corporation for as-needed repairs and installation of water and sewer system components and emergency service. The contract, which was initially awarded in 2019, will be extended for one year at an estimated cost of $362,381.

Finally, the committee members amended a contract for the restoration of the roof at the historic Georgia Road schoolhouse. The contract was initially in the amount of $28,900; it is now in an amount not to exceed $36,000.