Howell Environmental Commission names Barron recipient of award

HOWELL – The Howell Environmental Commission announced it has selected Gerard Barron as the recipient of the annual Ann G. Ritchey Environmental Award.

The award is presented by the commission to honor the memory of Ritchey, a devoted environmentalist who worked to sustain the environment and quality of life in Howell.

Barron, who has been a resident of Howell since 2003, will be honored at the environmental commission’s annual award dinner to be held on Sept. 30 at the Howell Pointe Swim Club.

Barron was a member of the Broadcast Media Advisory Committee until it was disbanded after negotiating the last cable services agreement for Howell.

He has served on the Howell Senior Center Committee for 15 years and as chairman for the past 10 years.

Barron was a founding member of the Howell Green Team and has served on the panel for more than 10 years. He is a past chairman of the Green Team, which pursues grants and projects to improve the environment and to address local environmental issues.

Barron served on the Howell Environmental Commission for eight years and chaired the commission during his term of service. He spearheaded projects and presentations involving Howell’s middle schools and environmental education.

He is currently serving on the Shade Tree Commission and is an unofficial, but active participant with the Lake Restoration and Wildlife Commission.

Barron serves on the executive board of the Howell Farmer’s Market, which brings local produce and artisan foods and crafts to Howell.

He also participates in the Howell Natural Resources Working Group, which works to coordinate the activities of various committees with the township administration.

Joan Osborne, acting chairwoman of the environmental commission, said, “Jerry Barron is someone who has been deserving of this award for many years, not just because of his involvement on many environmental initiatives, including helping with the expansion of the Howell Organic Community Garden and the Winston Park tree planting program, but because he is always willing to pitch in on any project and to serve on any commission.

“He is active attending Township Council meetings, and Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings, and speaking up to protect the environment and to address other issues of concern in the community.

“Howell is lucky to have such an engaged, civically involved resident who works to address things for the betterment of Howell and who has done so for years,” Osborne said.

The environmental commission encourages Howell residents to get involved in helping to address environmental issues.