Upper Freehold will continue to participate in mutual aid initiative

UPPER FREEHOLD – The Township Committee will continue Upper Freehold Township’s participation in a mutual aid and assistance agreement with other Monmouth County municipalities.

During a recent meeting, committee members passed a resolution which reaffirms the township’s participation in intra-county mutual aid and assistance agreements with other participating municipalities in Monmouth County.

Under the terms of the agreement, Upper Freehold will be able to provide or to receive any service that each participating municipality is empowered to provide or to receive within its own jurisdiction.

According to the resolution, Upper Freehold’s agreements with the other participating municipalities will extend to all of their departments, authorities, boards, commissions and other functions.

The services shared between participating municipalities, according to the resolution, include law enforcement, public works, emergency medical services, emergency management, human services, hazardous materials response units technical or special operations teams, Community Emergency Response Team members, Medical Reserve Corps members or other volunteers, and other jurisdictions defined as local governments by the federal government.

Mutual aid and assistance agreements may also be made between counties, law enforcement agencies (police), emergency medical service (EMS), fire departments, fire companies, or EMS organizations and fire departments situated in fire districts operated by a board of fire commissioners.

“The Township Committee and the participating units recognize the benefit of entering into an agreement for mutual aid and assistance with each other,” Upper Freehold officials wrote in the resolution.

“(The agreement will) protect against loss, damage or destruction by fire, civil unrest, hazardous material, major criminal or emergency events, natural and man-made disaster and catastrophe.

“(It will also) address those situations when additional aid and assistance is needed to protect the best interests of the persons and property of each individual jurisdiction,” they said.