News Transcript News Briefs, Sept. 8

The Borough Council in Englishtown has appropriated $750,000 to be used for improvements at the Englishtown lake dam.

Council members have adopted a bond ordinance that will appropriate $750,000 for the work and authorize the issuance of $712,500 in bonds or notes to help finance the costs. The remaining costs will be covered by a down payment of $37,500.

The work covered by the appropriation will include an assessment of and improvements to the dam and the dam spillway, and an assessment of and improvements to associated bridges, roads, curbs, sidewalks and retaining walls.

In other business, council members entered into an agreement with Monmouth County to prepare a study to assess the alternative to bring the Englishtown lake dam into compliance with New Jersey Dam Safety Standards.

The dam is owned by the borough and the county. According to a resolution, both parties were notified by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Dam Safety and Flood Engineering that the dam must be brought into compliance with state standards. The cost of the evaluation will be $135,000. Englishtown will pay $65,250, which is half of the cost.


The Englishtown Borough Council has appointed Cynthia Buckel as a full-time police officer with the Englishtown Police Department. The position’s salary is $43,656 and the appointment will be probationary for one year, culminating on Aug. 25, 2022.

In July, the council appointed Buckel as a Class II special law enforcement officer, which is a part-time position.

In August, Buckel was hired as a full-time police officer following the resignation of Timothy Leitstein, who worked in Englishtown from 2019 through July 22, 2021.

According to the municipal website, the police department has seven full-time officers and three part-time Class II officers.

In other business, council members authorized a partial payment certificate to Earle Asphalt Company for the reconstruction of Hamilton Street, Heritage Drive and Raymond Court. The partial payment is in the amount of $212,070. The total cost of the project is $435,413. The improvements were part of the 2020 annual road program.

And, council members appointed Michael Reynolds as a full-time public works laborer. The annual salary for the position is $42,000, according to a resolution.