Road’s condition requires attention from town

In the very near future there will be a resurfacing project on the Marlboro section of Union Hill Road. I live off of Hawkins Road, which is directly off the part of Union Hill Road that will be resurfaced.

Hawkins Road is in serious disrepair on the stretch of Hawkins Road that is in Marlboro. This stretch is located between Union Hill Road to Hawkins Park. This is the only entrance to our neighborhood.

The state of this road poses dangers for pedestrians and motorists alike. It is dangerous in daylight, but even more so at night.

Additionally, the Marlboro part of this road is the only stretch that is also void of pedestrian sidewalks, adding to it being a double danger.

Hawkins Road has not been resurfaced in at least 25 years and I am hoping Marlboro’s Union Hill Road resurfacing project can include this stretch of Hawkins Road.

I know I am speaking for all homeowners and businesses on and off Hawkins Road when I implore Marlboro to do this seriously needed road repair.

The conditions I have described can be summed up by saying, “There is definitely an accident waiting to happen” and that is why we are all hoping Marlboro can include Hawkins Road in this upcoming project.

Additionally, I have learned the federal government allocates funds to localities for sidewalk projects.

For the safety and well-being of pedestrians who walk on this road all of the time, it would be greatly appreciated if Marlboro would apply for these funds and build the sidewalks we have been requesting for years; making this stretch of Hawkins Road even safer for all.

Francee Tendler