Opinion: Mayor shouldn’t remain silent on police-involved shooting in Hillsborough

I would like to understand why there has been no formal statement sent out from Mayor Shawn Lipani’s office to inform the community of Hillsborough about the incident that occurred involving a township officer and a Hillsborough resident on Sept. 28 on Piedmont Path. I understand you are not able to share details, but as mayor, it is your job to keep this community informed and not solely rely on the local press and Attorney General.

Police shootings are highly contentious issue in this country, and it should be met with transparency and open communication, not silence. Even now, almost two weeks later, when the funeral for Mr. Patrick Chin is being held on Oct. 9 at the Hillsborough Funeral Home, your office is still silent.

I know you’re busy celebrating the 250th anniversary, being one of the best places to live in the U.S., and preparing for your re-election campaign, all things that a police shooting would damper and overshadow. But that doesn’t excuse the lack of communication coming from your office.

This police shooting should be communicated fully with the public and you should pledge your full support and commitment to inform the community of the outcome of the Attorney General’s investigation. To do anything less is a dereliction of duty.

Also, it should be public knowledge as to whether or not the involved officer is still on active duty. One would like to think that while under investigation, they would be suspended. But again, you, Mr. Mayor, have not said anything publicly about any part of this incident.

The members of this community deserve to be informed of this incident by the mayor they elected. Do your job, Mr. Mayor.

Melissa Kraehenbuehl