Opinion: Lipani, Cohen should be re-elected to Hillsborough Township Committee

I am writing in support of election of Mayor Shawn Lipani and Mr. Steven Cohen to the Hillsborough Township Committee.

Both Mayor Lipani and Mr. Cohen are well versed in what it takes to manage and meet day-to-day needs of Hillsborough Township.
Mayor Lipani is a lifelong residence of Hillsborough, and a local businessman who knows only too well what fiscal responsibility is, and how important it is to maintain strong control over any increases in the property taxes. He also has a deep and broad experience in the various activities of the township, having previously served on the Board of Adjustment, Planning Board, Somerset County Planning Board, Economic and Business Development Commission. The experience he gained through his work to date in the township has no substitute, and it showed during his time as a mayor.

One area that we should all be grateful for is his laser focus on improving the roads and easing the traffic congestion in the town center. I think one would be hard pressed to find any potholed roads in Hillsborough Township. Plus, significant miles of roads have been resurfaced, and many more miles are in the pipeline for further resurfacing.

And to cap it all, his relentless effort to get completion of the Route 206 bypass must be applauded. It avoids having to go through the town center thus saving time and frustration for those wanting to go north or south without needing to stop in Hillsborough town center.

Mayor Lipani has also been proactive in preserving as much of the green acres in Hillsborough as possible, and has been instrumental in getting a contractual agreement together to purchase 450 acres of land between Hamilton and Amwell Road while at the same time working to develop a realistic long-term road improvement plan. Given Mayor Lipani’s achievements and his future plans for the township, he deserves to be reelected to the Hillsborough Township Committee.

The second candidate, Mr. Cohen, is also a longtime resident of Hillsborough, and together with Mayor Lipani, would make a formidable team to continue to work for the betterment of the township. Mr. Cohen believes strongly in giving back to the community. He is determined to continue with his family’s tradition of “service above self” devoted to maintaining Hillsborough “as a best community” to live in. He has clearly demonstrated this commitment by helping those in need through his membership of the Hillsborough Rotary Club, organizing an annual Easter Egg Hunt and Rotary Fair, which is such an enjoyable event for the families, and also raises significant amounts of funds for various charities in the township.

His knowledge of the affordable housing issues will be most valuable to the township where the state mandates a certain number of such houses to be constructed with no regard for the congestion they may cause and the impact on the quality of life. Steering through this minefield of laws while meeting the mandate is where Mr. Cohen will provide his unique understanding.
Mr. Cohen’s professional experience in facilities management with particular emphasis on public safety and emergency operations together with his direct work with financial budgeting, procurement contracts, security operations, construction operations and implementation of COVID-19 protocols will add value to the committee’s work. Mr. Cohen is amply qualified to be a valued member of the committee and, therefore, must be elected to the township committee.

Shangar Nandra
