Opinion: Voter has confidence in Purandare for Hopewell Township Committee

I encourage your vote for Uma Purandare for the Hopewell Township Committee in the upcoming election.

Uma is a 23-year resident of the township. She has been an active leader in many local civic organizations as well as local government, having served for six years on the township zoning board.


She is acutely aware of the issues and challenges that we face as a community. Uma and her family located in Hopewell Township because of the character of our community. Our greenspace and our schools were a factor in that move.

Like our current township leaders, she believes that in our required need to provide housing diversity mandated by all municipalities in New Jersey, we also must balance future growth while maintaining precious greenspace. She is sensitive to the high property taxes that create agita for all of us.

I’m confident Uma will work to stabilize the township’s portion of the tax bill.


I hope you will give Uma careful consideration when you cast your ballot.


The Rev. Canon Jack Belmont

Hopewell Township