Opinion: Thank you, Julie Blake, and welcome, Uma Purandare

I have had the honor and privilege of serving with Julie Blake on the Hopewell Township Committee for almost four years. I am sorry she is not running for reelection, but understand her decision. 

No one, outside of Julie’s family and her fellow Township Committee members, can understand how hard she has worked, particularly as the township’s mayor in 2021. 

I will miss working with, and learning from, Julie.

Uma Purandare is taking Julie’s place on the ballot. Uma has lived in Hopewell Township for over 20 years and has served on the Zoning Board for six years. She is an active community volunteer.

Uma is also a research scientist. With her educational background, I know Uma will apply her analytical skills in making decisions for the township.

And Uma listens. Since early September, Uma has been going door to door throughout the township, meeting residents.

I wholeheartedly endorse Uma Purandare for Hopewell Township Committee and look forward to serving next to her in 2022.

Please vote for Uma Purandare.

Michael Ruger

Hopewell Township

Michael Ruger is expressing his own views and is not speaking on behalf of the Hopewell Township Committee.