Spotswood High School reports that 11 students test positive for COVID-19 after homecoming dance

SPOTSWOOD – On Oct. 9, 386 students from Spotswood High School attended a homecoming dance, an annual tradition to mark the new school year. Three days later, on Oct. 12, parents were notified that a student tested positive for COVID-19, resulting in the quarantine of nearly 200 students.

According to Superintendent Graham Peabody, the school contacted parents after learning about the positive result.

“[C]ommunication was sent to the parents of the 386 students in attendance at the dance that confirmed a student at the event had tested positive for COVID-19,” Peabody said.

Peabody mentioned that prior to the event, precautions and protocols were implemented to safeguard those in attendance.

“Given COVID-19 data available both within our high school and communities prior to the dance, preparations continued within the parameters outlined in both our communication letter and permission form,” Peabody said.

Peabody stated that testing began on Oct. 14, in which three more students tested positive since the dance on Oct. 9.

“In general, it was conveyed that the opportunity for testing could begin on the 14th for return on the 16th or, without testing, on the 19th. Initially, from the date of the dance (9th) to the date of testing (14th), three students were reported positive for COVID-19,” Peabody said.

As of press time, 11 students have tested positive.

“With the opportunity for testing, however, communication confirming students positive for COVID-19 has increased to 11,” Peabody said.

As testing continues and results are recorded, the school intends to follow guidelines to ensure the health of students.

“We remain in communication with the county Department of Health to ensure that our protocols continue to be aligned with established guidance and regulations for the continued health and safety of our greater community,” Peabody said.