Monroe, Middlesex County move forward with major improvements to traffic signal at Applegarth and Prospect Plains roads 

MONROE – Township and county officials are discussing improvements to the intersection of Prospect Plains Road and Applegarth Road in Monroe to improve safety in the corridor.

Along with replacing traffic signals, the project improvements will include dedicated left-turn arrows in all directions, sidewalks, pedestrian pushbuttons, ADA ramps and roadway reconstruction, according to information provided by the Middlesex County Office of Communications on Oct. 26.

Design is concluding, and land acquisition will begin on the project this winter, according to the statement.

“This project is a collaboration between Middlesex County and the Township of Monroe with support and assistance from the Middlesex County Department of Transportation. It’s great to see all parties involved working together for the safety of our Middlesex County residents,” Board of County Commissioners Director Ronald G. Rios said in the statement. “Middlesex County is proud to invest in these safety improvements, but it is essential that pedestrians play their part by making smart, safe decisions and by crossing roads only at authorized locations.”


“Safety is our top priority and the proposed improvements to this well-traveled corridor, including dedicated left turn arrows, promises to provide safer passage for vehicle and pedestrian traffic alike,” Mayor Stephen Dalina said in the statement. “This is another strategic collaboration with Middlesex County to improve quality of life for our residents and all those who travel through Monroe Township. We are thankful to County Commissioner Director Rios, County Commissioners Kenny and Koppel and the county Department of Transportation for their time and effort in ensuring this important project moves forward.”