Sayreville board approves HVAC upgrades at Selover School

SAYREVILLE – A $2.3 million bid has been awarded by the Sayreville School District Board of Education for renovations and HVAC upgrades at one district facility.

During a recent meeting, the board awarded the $2.3 million bid to Unitemp, Inc. for renovations and HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) upgrades at the Jesse Selover School.

The contract is composed of a $1.94 million base bid and a $356,000 alternate bid for the $2.3 million total, according to district administrators.

To help finance the cost, board members approved a withdrawal from the capital reserve in the amount of $546,000. According to district administrators, any funds not expended will be returned to the capital reserve.

In other business, the board approved the purchase of 310 Apple iPad tablet computers in the amount of $91,140.

Board members also approved a contract with the Educational Services of New Jersey for the rental of the Aquatics and Fitness Center. The rental is at the rate of $100 per hour for practice time and $200 for each single dual meet, with a not to exceed price of $12,200.

According to district administrators, the rental will run from Nov. 8, 2021, through Feb. 4, 2022.

Additionally, the board awarded School Device Coverage to provide insurance for student and staff devices from September 2021 through June 2022, the entirety of the 2021-22 school year.

Finally, the board approved a grant from the Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act for Alyssa’s Law Compliance and School Security in the amount of $347,785. According to district administrators, the funds will be used for the purchase of equipment to make the district compliant with Alyssa’s Law, for the facility improvements related to secure retention vestibules and for the purchase of additional two-way radios and strobes.

If the total estimated costs exceed the school district’s grant allowance, local funds will be utilized to cover the additional costs, according to district administrators.