Middlesex County awards $125,000 Recreational Grant for improvements to Milltown’s Gloria Bradford Park

Middlesex County will award a $125,000 grant to Milltown for improvements to Gloria Bradford Park on Violet Terrace.

Improvements include installation of athletic field lighting for Ball Field No. 2, including light poles, lamps, foundations and site restoration.

The project is to be concluded within three years.


“Parks are vital to the health and well-being of our children and our community,” Board of County Commissioners Director Ronald G. Rios said in a statement released by the county on Nov. 1. “On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, Middlesex County is pleased to partner with the Borough of Milltown in the improvement and development of the athletic field in Gloria Bradford Park. These improvements will keep our parks up-to-date and enable our open spaces to meet the changing needs and growing demands of our county residents.”


The Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to execute the grant agreement in the amount of $125,000 between Milltown under the Open Space, Recreation and Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund for improvements of municipal recreational facilities in Gloria Bradford Park.


“Thanks to this $125,000 grant, we will increase the functionality of our existing field in Gloria Bradford Park,” Mayor Trina Jensen Mehr said in the statement. “Our parks are in high demand, especially our fields with practices, tournaments, league play and special events. On behalf of all the residents in Milltown, I would like to thank Middlesex County for the assistance in not only improving our existing park, but in helping us create an even more enjoyable experience for visitors of all ages.”


“We are eager to bring these important, much-anticipated park improvements to our borough,” Councilman Randy Farkas said in the statement. “This recreational grant is not just an investment in our park, but an investment in the physical, mental and social well-being of the youth in our community.”


“The Borough of Milltown is grateful for this grant funding,” Councilman James Pareti said in the statement. “Grants like this one are instrumental, both now and in the future, to ensure our community always has the best possible environment for recreation. These park improvements will benefit our everyday park visitors, our many sports programs, teams, players, coaches, and many more.”