Opinion: Imran Bukhari offers ‘fresh perspective’ for South Brunswick

It is time for a new generation of leaders to step forward in South Brunswick.

I have been a proud resident of South Brunswick for eight years. My husband went to South Brunswick schools, grades K-12.

We whole-heartedly support the candidacy of Imran Bukhari for school board. A graduate of South Brunswick High School, Imran brings a much-needed, child-centered perspective to South Brunswick schools. He is the product of the district and as South Brunswick residents, we should all be proud that he is taking that next step and giving back to the community in this way.
Imran’s platform touches on many often overlooked issues that affect students, most notably mental health. Imran understands that our children’s ability to cope during tough times, have the confidence to get through challenges and have easy access to the grown-up professionals who can help them is key to not only their academic success, but their ability to be productive, resilient adults when they graduate from high school.

Imran Bukhari also wants parents to have better access to the school board. His commitment to transparency at the board level is exactly what South Brunswick parents need always, but especially today.

I encourage you to vote for Imran Bukhari on Nov. 2. His fresh perspective is what is needed in South Brunswick.

Sarah Slaiman Chebli
South Brunswick