Dozens of vehicles targeted by burglars in South Brunswick

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – During the overnight hours from Nov. 14 to 15, 13 South Brunswick residents were victimized by a band of car burglars and thieves.

During this crime spree, 12 residents were victims of burglary to their motor vehicles, according to information provided by the South Brunswick Police Department on Nov. 16.

A total of 20 vehicles were targeted. Thirteen of the vehicles were unlocked, with their interiors ransacked and items stolen, according to police. An additional seven vehicles were locked and, although the thieves tried to open their doors, they were unable to, and nothing was stolen from those vehicles, police said. Two of the vehicles targeted also had garage door openers in them, and thieves used them to open the garage doors and steal additional items.

In addition to the car burglaries, two residents had their vehicles stolen. The vehicles had been left unlocked, with the keys in them, making them an easy target for thieves, according to the statement. In one case, the vehicle had been left in an unlocked garage, which the thieves entered in order to steal the vehicle.

Police are seeking video footage of the Monmouth Junction area, especially The Grande, South Ridge Hills, Fresh Impressions and Monmouth Walk. Residents with exterior video feeds are asked to check for any activity between midnight and 7 a.m. on Nov. 15. Anyone with useful footage should contact Detective Sgt. Penney at 732-329-4646.

The police department is urging the community to take a few steps to prevent future occurrences:

  1. Lock vehicles, especially when parked overnight. Double check before going to bed.
  2. Never leave the keys or key fob in the vehicle. Always take it with you and lock your vehicle.
  3. Close and lock your garage doors at night.
  4. Call police immediately if you witness any suspicious activity, either at 732-329-4646, or by dialing 9-1-1.