Scott Jacobs

Rabid skunk located in Old Bridge

OLD BRIDGE – A skunk tested positive for rabies in the vicinity of Vail Drive and Hunter Court in Old Bridge.

This is the seventh rabid animal reported within Middlesex County for 2021 and the first rabid animal in Old Bridge for the year, according to information provided by The Middlesex County Office of Health Services on Nov. 16.

On Nov. 13, a resident of Old Bridge’s pet dog attacked and killed a skunk in the resident’s backyard, according to the statement. The animal was picked up by the animal control officer and was taken to the New Jersey Department of Health Laboratory for testing.

It was reported on Nov. 16 that the animal tested positive for rabies.

The resident’s dog is currently vaccinated for rabies and was instructed to follow up with their veterinarian, according to the statement. The resident was notified to consult with a physician regarding any rabies post exposure treatment.