South Brunswick Police Department announces historic promotions

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Among the 11 police officers who were promoted in South Brunswick, a husband and wife were promoted to lieutenants, the average officer promoted to lieutenant has 21 years of service, five of six officers promoted to captain or lieutenant hold a master’s degree, and one new sergeant holds an MBA in Management of Technology from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.

And, Lt. Tara Jairdullo becomes the highest ranking female in the department’s history.



“We are always focused on improving our department. These positions give us increased oversight and will improve the level of service we can provide,” Police Chief Raymond Hayducka said in the statement.


Promoted to captain is:

  • Scott H. Reeves is a 27-year veteran of the department. He previously served the department as the deputy commander of the Emergency Response Team, supervising firearms instructor, field training officer, department armorer, and as an evidence technician. He holds a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickenson University.


Promoted to lieutenant are:

  • Tara Jairdullo is a 24-year veteran of the department. She is currently the supervisor in the Community Policing and School Resource Officers Bureau. She previously served 20 years in patrol as an officer and supervisor. She holds a master’s degree from Seton Hall University. She created and oversaw the Citizen Police Academy for the past 6 years. In her career she has earned numerous commendation for her work with youth, domestic violence victims, and school based programs and firearms proficiency.


  • Robert Jairdullo is a 20-year veteran and has previously served as a patrolman, school resource officer and sergeant in Patrol. He is currently one of the department Physical Training instructors and has served as a firearms instructor, defensive tactics instructor and a domestic violence liaison in the past. He holds a master’s degree from University of California. During his career, he has received several awards for his patrol efforts, as well as, firearms proficiency and physical fitness.


  • Michael Pellino is a 20-year veteran and has served in patrol and investigations. He has been a field training officer, evidence technician, and field training detective. He is the recipient of a Life Saving Medal and five Excellent Service Medals. He holds a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


  • Mike Kuchma is an 18-year veteran, the past 8 years as a sergeant in patrol. He has served as a field training sergeant, detective and bike officer. He is the supervisor of the South Brunswick Police Honor Guard. He holds a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


  • Frank Mongalieri is a 24-year law enforcement veteran. He has served as a patrol sergeant, patrol officer, a field training officer, a gang intelligence liaison, motorcycle officer and as a traffic crash re-constructionist in the Traffic Safety Bureau. He is the longest serving member of the South Brunswick Police motorcycle unit. He has served as the vice president for both the Middlesex County Traffic Officers Association and PBA Local 166 and is currently the vice president of FOP Lodge 51.


Promoted to sergeants:

  • Matthew Skolsky is a 14-year veteran of the South Brunswick Police Department. He was most recently assigned as a detective in the Investigations Division. He previously served as a field training officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Boston University. During his career, he received over a dozen awards and letters of commendation including a Life Saving Medal.


  • Timothy Hoover is a 10-year veteran of the department. He has served as both a detective and patrolman. He is a drug recognition expert, field training officer, evidence technician, and member of the Honor Guard. He has received two dozen various exceptional service awards and letters of commendation for his work. He holds a master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University.


  • George Vit is a 15-year veteran of the department. He has been a drug recognition expert, field training officer and TASER operator. He is on the International Association of Chief of Police Technology Committee. He implemented the department’s body worn camera program. He has an MBA in Management of Technology from the New Jersey Institute of Technology. During his career, he has received numerous awards for life saving and patrol investigations.


  • Michael Urstadt is a 15-year veteran of the department. He has been a patrol officer, field training officer, firearms instructor, and a master instructor for the Attorney General’s Resiliency Program. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Adelphi University. Over the course of his career, he has received multiple awards and commendations for his exceptional service and lifesaving efforts.


  • William Beard is a 9-year veteran of the department. He has served as a patrol officer, evidence technician and accident reconstructionist in the Traffic Safety Bureau. During his career, he received multiple awards for honorable service for his efforts in the Traffic Bureau and Patrol Division.  

The promotions fill vacancies from retirements and increase command supervision.

“I have the full confidence in the men and woman I have promoted that they will meet the ever-changing challenges we face as a community and department. These promotions and expanded supervision would not have been possible with the support of the mayor and council. In these challenging times, our elected leaders have supported every initiative to improve our department,” Hayducka said in the statement.