Lawrence police blotter

A 2020 Hyundai Sante Fe sport utility vehicle was reported stolen from Ardisia Court overnight between Nov. 13 and 14. The vehicle had been left unlocked with the key fob inside. Several credit cards that had been left inside the vehicle were fraudulently used to buy merchandise in Hamilton Township. The vehicle was recovered on Rossell Avenue in Trenton Nov. 14.

A 28-year-old Trenton woman was charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance and possession of drug paraphernalia following a motor vehicle stop by police on Brunswick Pike near Quakerbridge Road Nov. 15. During the investigation, 40 baggies of heroin and a crack pipe were discovered inside the car. She was charged and released on her own recognizance.

An 18-year-old Lawrence Township man was charged with theft for having a blue mountain-style bicycle in his possession that had been stolen Nov. 17. Police were called to investigate a suspicious person on Sturwood Way who was knocking on the caller’s back door. When police arrived, he told the officers he was looking for his friend and had knocked on the wrong door. During the investigation, he was found to have a bicycle in his possession that was confirmed to have been stolen from another location. He was charged and released on his own recognizance.

A home on Province Line Road was burglarized sometime between Oct. 4 and Nov. 3, but it is not known whether anything was reported missing. The burglar broke a rear first-floor window to get inside and ransacked the house. The burglary is under investigation.

The first floor window of a Michigan Avenue home was damaged after a teenager tossed a pumpkin through it Oct. 31. The teenager was among a group of teens who approached the house for candy during trick-or-treating. When the victim asked why they were not wearing costumes, a brief argument ensued, according to reports. One of the teenagers picked up a pumpkin from the lawn and threw it through the window. The teenagers fled the area on their bicycles.

A 38-year-old Ewing Township man who tried to cash a fraudulent business check was charged with criminal attempt and two counts of forgery Nov. 3. He went to the Santander Bank on Franklin Corner Road and asked the teller to cash the check. The teller discovered the check was fraudulent and called police. During the investigation, it was discovered that the man also had an outstanding warrant from Robbinsville Township. He was released on his own recognizance.