Resident questions Manalapan garbage arrangement

Now that we are drowning in a sea of garbage due to the disastrous decision of the Manalapan Township Committee, are Mayor Jack McNaboe, captain of the good ship Manalapan, and his crew of Township Committee members planning to abandon ship?

Will they soon be declaring “every man for himself” when it comes to garbage pickup?

It certainly looks that way given the mayor’s recent support for the efforts of one homeowners association to negotiate directly with the cartage company to cut a better deal for its townhome community; in this case, a fee of $132 per year per household for a second pickup each week.

This hardly seems fair for those of us living in single-family homes, paying higher taxes and unable to negotiate rates lower than $300 per year for a second pickup as offered by the cartage company.

There appear to be different arrangements available to those living in large developments with significantly more voters than the rest of us. It seems the Township Committee considers its residents to be a “Ship of Fools.”

Rick Aaronson