Bridge Academy named one of 18 River-Friendly schools

The Bridge Academy has been designated a River-Level certified River-Friendly school by the Watershed Institute, formerly known as the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association.

The River-Friendly School Program helps teachers, students and school leaders reduce water pollution while creating new teaching opportunities, enhancing wildlife habitats, and establishing a healthier environment for children, according to information provided by The Bridge Academy.

Certification is offered at several different levels based on points achieved through lessons and hands-on projects in any of the four River-Friendly categories: water quality, water conservation, wildlife habitat, and education and outreach.

Both public and private schools can apply for this certification program.

The Bridge Academy is one of only 18 schools in New Jersey to receive this designation, according to the statement.

“Our students did a wonderful job demonstrating water conservation and awareness for our school community,” Kathryn Wink, the high school science teacher for The Bridge Academy who spearheaded the application process, said in the statement.

“I have been so impressed by Ms. Wink’s creativity and ability to engage students in their local environment, whether hands-on investigating macro-invertebrates in the local stream or mapping the campus’ storm water, and proposing green infrastructure solutions. All of this is especially admirable because it was done during such a turbulent time of the pandemic,” Olivia Spildooren, River-Friendly coordinator for The Watershed Institute, said in the statement.