CASA for Children of Monmouth welcomes new class of advocates

Fifteen new Court Appointed Special Advocates were sworn in as officers of the court by Monmouth County Family Court Judge Teresa Coyle during a virtual video conference in November.

The swearing-in ceremony was the final step for becoming a Court Appointed Special Advocate, following a six-session training course to become a CASA volunteer, according to a press release from Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children of Monmouth County.

These volunteers are now ready to advocate for foster children in Monmouth County who are in the child welfare system because they were removed from their home due to abuse or neglect, according to the press release.

Each volunteer will be assigned by the judge to a case so they can speak up for the best interests and advocate for the child.

CASAs serve as the child’s “voice in court” to ensure the child’s needs are being met and to work toward a permanent safe home. CASA ensures these children do not fall through the cracks of the child welfare system, according to the press release.

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children of Monmouth County continues to work on
behalf of the most vulnerable children in the community. There are more than 250 children in Monmouth County who need a CASA volunteer to be a consistent and safe presence in their lives, according to the press release.

CASA of Monmouth volunteer Eileen Bustillo has been dedicated to the three siblings in her CASA case for years after the children were removed from their mother’s care.

The siblings eventually ended up living together with the same foster family. The foster parents were on a mission to adopt the siblings for three years. On Nov. 18, Marcel, 15, Isabella, 10, and Larissa, 8, celebrated their adoption into the Kaney family, according to the press release.

“The kids are thrilled! I am so excited for them and can’t believe this day is finally here,” Bustillo said. “I plan on being part of their lives forever.”

The siblings affectionately call Bustillo “Aunt Eileen.”

Bustillo went on to say she is overwhelmed with happiness that the case ended in a loving adoption and the children found their forever home.

Currently, the organization is serving about 200 Monmouth County foster children, with a goal to provide an advocate for every child in need.

CASA volunteers are a source of support for the children they work with. CASAs typically stay with a case until it closes, either with reunification or adoption, according to the press release.

For more information about volunteering or donating, call 732-460-9100 or visit