Opinion: Be thankful for EMTs, join Princeton first aid squad

The holiday season is a time to reflect and acknowledge all that we have to be thankful for.

I’m grateful for my fellow volunteers and the staff of the Princeton First Aid & Rescue Squad (PFARS) and the opportunity to serve alongside them as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) rescue member in the Princeton community.

When I joined the squad in 2012 as a high school junior, I saw it as a chance to learn more about the medical field as a possible career path. Volunteering throughout high school, college, and now my work as a healthcare consultant brings me an incredible sense of purpose. For many of us, the big draw is the close personal friendships we’re able to cultivate within the organization.

I also enjoy being able to get out and give back to the community that I grew up in, having meaningful daily interactions with people that may just need a comforting conversation when something is out of the ordinary.
Nationwide, there is a general decline in volunteerism and a significant shortage of EMTs. That’s something that we are experiencing at PFARS as well. At the onset of the pandemic, our recruiting program was temporarily put on hold along with so many other organizations. Currently, we have about 70 volunteers working side-by-side with eight career EMTs to deliver the highest quality of care possible to Princeton residents and visitors.

As an independent, non-profit, combination volunteer/paid organization, with leadership opportunities for volunteers and career staff, we take great pride in maintaining top standards- which is only possible with a strong volunteer base.
Now is a great time to find out if volunteering as an EMT and being able to help others in a critical time of need is right for you. Join us for a volunteer open house at the new PFARS building on Mount Lucas Road on Monday, Dec. 13 from 6-8 p.m. Hear from former recruits during an interactive info session, watch a rescue demonstration with Deputy Chief Matt Stiff, and learn about our streamlined 3-month training program.

We hope you’ll be inspired to serve the Princeton community in a whole new way in 2022.

Allie Persky
Vice President and EMT Rescue Member

Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad
