Atlantic Hub News Briefs, Dec. 15

Rumson Garden Club, a member club of Garden Club of America, held its 91st annual Christmas Holiday Greens Workshop on Dec. 4-5 at Rumson’s Bingham Hall. Members worked to create almost 200 festive wreaths and arrangements to spread holiday cheer and help local nonprofit organizations deck their halls.

This year, the list of organizations that received the gift of these evergreen creations included Lunch Break, the Monmouth County Boys and Girls Club in Red Bank, Allaire Rehab Center, Parker Family Clinic, LOVE Inc., Allen House/Monmouth Historical Society, Sandy Hook History House, the Oceanic Library, Meridian Health Care Center and Meals On Wheels, according to a press release.

The Christmas greens workshop is a tradition on the first weekend of December which many members look forward to. Last year’s event was scaled back due to COVID-19.

“It was so good to be back together to fulfill this wonderful mission,” Rumson Garden Club President Kathryne Singleton said. “Our members donned their masks and got right to work, creating gorgeous arrangements and wreaths that will bring a smile to the faces of all those we have reached with this project.”

For more information about Rumson Garden Club, visit


The Borough Council in Tinton Falls is entering into a contract with the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MCSPCA) for animal control services in 2022.

On Dec. 7, council members authorized a contract with the MCSPCA, which is based in Eatontown, that will run from Jan. 1, 2022 through Dec. 31, 2022. The contract will total $30,000, which will be paid at a monthly rate of $2,500, according to a resolution.

According to the agreement between Tinton Falls and the MCSPCA, the services provided will be the rescue, custody and care of injured animals, trapped animals, sick animals, animals whose lives are endangered, and animals presenting a danger to humans, including animals which have bitten a person.

Marine mammals, feral cat colonies and dead deer are excluded from the agreement. And, the MCSPCA is not permitted to trap, relocate or care for geese unless the birds are in need of veterinary care.

The removal of an animal, including wildlife, from inside a home, an apartment building, a garage, a roof or any other form of residence is not covered under the agreement.

In addition to the contract for certain animal services, the council members authorized the execution of a memorandum of understanding between Tinton Falls and the MCSPCA for a trap, neuter and release program for feral cats.

The cost of each feral cat that is humanely trapped, vaccinated, and neutered or spayed will be $75 and Tinton Falls will pay half the cost ($37.50). The total cost of the program is not to exceed $3,750, according to a resolution. There is a limit of 150 cats per year.