T&M Associates announces launch of T&M foundation

MIDDLETOWN — T&M Associates, a national engineering, environmental and technical services consulting company, has announced the launch of the T&M Associates Foundation.

The nonprofit foundation has been established with the goal of broadening the philanthropic activities T&M presently supports to further improve the quality of life in the communities the firm serves, according to a Dec. 8 press release.

This will be accomplished through educational programs, social support, charitable outreach and other civic activities in the Northeast, MidAtlantic and Midwest regions of the United States, according to the press release.

The T&M Associates Foundation’s first official programs will include $5,000 educational scholarships to be administered through the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of New Jersey, Ohio State University’s College of Engineering’s Office of Diversity, Outreach and Inclusion Minority Engineering and Women in Engineering Programs, and Howard University in Washington, D.C.

The foundation will also oversee T&M Associates’ continuing scholarship funding for the New Jersey Institute of Technology, according to the press release.

“T&M Associates has a decades-long commitment to supporting and enriching the communities in which we live and work,” T&M President and CEO Gary Dahms was quoted as saying in the press release. “This includes investments in educational opportunities for the next generation of technical and engineering professionals who will carry our industry forward.”

The foundation’s first scholarships reflect T&M’s ongoing commitment to supporting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education, as well as ensuring that communities and people who are under-represented in STEM fields have access to these educational opportunities, according to the press release.

The foundation’s educational activities will include scholarships, sponsorships, internships, classroom presentations and science fairs.

The foundation also plans a broad level of community engagement, with the immediate goal of addressing hunger and food insecurity in those areas.

The foundation will build upon existing relationships T&M Associates has established with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, HABcore, Columbus Recreation and Parks Department and Aid for Friends, according to the press release.