Hopewell Township police blotter

More than $2,000 worth of jewelry and other items were stolen from a Cherry Valley Road home Dec. 3. Police responded to a burglar alarm and discovered the break-in. The homeowners were not at home at the time of the burglary.

The bed cover from a pickup truck belonging to a Coburn Road resident was reported stolen Dec. 5 while the truck was parked on the street near the house. The bed cover was valued at more than $1,000.

Several unlocked cars were entered overnight between Dec. 5 and 6 while they were parked in the driveway of the victims’ homes. Items were taken from all of the vehicles, which were parked at homes on Meadow Lane, West Shore Drive, Blue Spruce Drive and Cleveland Road West.

A 36-year-old Philadelphia man was charged with possession of fraudulent documents after he was stopped by police on Route 31 north for a motor vehicle violation Dec. 6. The investigation revealed that the temporary license plate and vehicle registration card for the vehicle were fake. The case will be heard in Mercer County Superior Court.