Why are holiday specials on TV so early?

Question: Holiday creep is out of control! There were classic Christmas specials
on PBS Nov. 21. CBS aired Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer before Thanksgiving. Who do they think they are, Hallmark? —Mary Kay

Matt Roush: And here I thought the “holiday creep” was the Grinch — who also made an early arrival this year, although airing the day after Thanksgiving feels a bit more appropriate than Rudolph showing up before Turkey Day. For what it’s worth, CBS is repeating Rudolph and the Frosty the Snowman specials on the more seasonal date of Dec. 11. I also prefer my holiday traditions to be timed closer to the actual holiday.

Comment: Another note about TV shows promoting and then killing off big names: It seems to have happened on Apple’s Invasion, which touted Sam Neill as its star only to seemingly kill him off in the first episode. We’re up to episode 8 and still no sign of him?? —Nick

Matt Roush: Fair enough. And kudos for sticking with that series way longer than I managed to. Sam Neill’s early departure really does feel like a bait and switch, and while even if I knew whether he turned up on or before the finale I couldn’t tell you (my spoiler policy), the fact that he’s been MIA for the bulk of the season reinforces the downside of this kind of stunt casting.

To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com