Jackson council names Festino new municipal clerk effective Jan. 1

JACKSON – Diane Festino will become Jackson’s municipal clerk on Jan. 1 as Janice Kisty retires from the position.

Kisty has served as Jackson’s township clerk since Jan. 1 2019. Prior to that she served as the deputy township clerk, Planning Board secretary, Planning Board recording secretary and Zoning Board of Adjustment recording secretary.

The Dec. 21 Township Council meeting was Kisty’s final one as clerk and the council members praised her for her efforts on behalf of the township.

Council President Andrew Kern noted that Kisty’s first meeting as clerk in January 2019 was also his first meeting as a member of the governing body.

“I am very proud to have the honor of being the first council member Janice ever swore in and it is a memory that will stick with me for a very long time,” Kern said. “Since then, our clerk has cared for us, shared amazing times with us and helped us through extraordinarily tough times with warmth, grace and a wonderful sense of humor.

“I want to thank Janice from the bottom of my heart for all she has done to help this group. We were all new to the council and she helped us with everything we needed and guided us on our way. Thank you, Mrs. Kisty,” Kern said.

Council Vice President Martin Flemming presented Kisty with a plaque recognizing her service and said, “We are definitely going to miss you. You took very, very good care of us; every one of us up here being very new to this, and we are going to miss you truly.”

Kisty said, “I call Jackson my home. I live in Manchester now, but Jackson is still my home. Whenever I come into this building it feels like home. Thanks to everyone; the council, the mayor, the administrator, all the departments, but most of all my staff. They are the best, we are the best department, and that is why I am here. Thank you all.”

Councilman Nino Borrelli said it was an honor and a pleasure to work with Kisty. He congratulated Festino on her new role as municipal clerk and Mary Moss as Jackson’s new deputy municipal clerk.

Councilman Stephen Chisholm said it was a pleasure to work with Kisty.

Councilman Alex Sauickie said, “With our departing clerk, I have said it numerous times and I will say it again tonight; our clerk’s office is second to none in the state.”

Sauickie then congratulated Festino on her new position.

“Thank you, Madam Clerk, for the last time, and congratulations once again on the team you have built, the team we were able to move up, and everything you have done for the town and for us personally,” Kern said to Kisty, before the council members unanimously appointed Festino as municipal clerk and Moss as deputy municipal clerk.