Mahmoud resigns as Hillsborough Public Schools business administrator

Aiman Mahmoud resigned as business administrator/Hillsborough Board of Education secretary for the Hillsborough Township Public Schools during the Dec. 20 Board of Education meeting.

No reason for Mahmoud’s resignation was given at the meeting.

Mahmoud, 52, was hired as the business administrator in January 2008.

Superintendent of Schools Lisa Antunes approached the board with a resolution to accept the resignation of Mahmoud when the meeting began.

President Jean Trujillo, Vice President Jane Staats, Benjamin Kidd, Paul Marini, Lisa Maroun and Cynthia Nurse voted “yes” to accept the resignation.

School board members Gregory Gillette and John Oliver voted against accepting the resignation of Mahmoud, while Christopher Pulsifer abstained on the matter.

Following the announcement, the board held an executive session to discuss matters relating to the central office administrative staff, which excluded the public.